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Advances in Cancer Research and Treatment

The Pasteur Institute

Immune system cells are able to detect and then destroy new cancer cells. Researchers are following this lead to try to find a treatment for liver cancer.

Researchers are currently carrying out extensive research on the data collected over the past few years.

The most common cancer in women. Today, more than 85% of patients are alive 5 years after their diagnosis.

Breast cancer


The most common cancer in men. It accounts for 26% of cancer cases in men.

Prostate cancer


Only 17% of patients are alive 5 years after diagnosis. It is the leading cause of death from cancer.

Lung cancer


According to recent studies, one in thirty people are affected. The survival rate is 63%.

Colorectal cancer


It accounts for about 3% of cancer cases. It affects men twice as much as women.

Kidney cancer


81% of patients are male. The average age of discovery of this cancer is 70 years.

Bladder cancer


The announcement of a chronic disease disrupts the patient’s daily life. Often, they first go through a phase of incomprehension and rejection. The consultation of a psychologist is strongly recommended to help the patient to have a mentality and a state of mind that allows him to move forward.

  • Accepting and understanding the disease
  • Talking about it to those around you
  • Be accompanied by a psychologist
Living with a chronic disease

In France, 11 vaccines are mandatory for infants. Vaccination prevents many serious diseases.

This is a wide variety of disciplines that complement or supplement conventional medicine.

This is a method (the most effective) of destroying cancer cells with drugs.

In France, therapeutic cannabis is not authorised, as it may be in other countries such as Canada where it is prescribed to patients to help relieve the symptoms and side effects of the disease.

However, the National Assembly has authorised its experimentation for a period of two years from the first half of 2020.

effets secondaires de la chimio

Although current studies have not yet led to an official cancer treatment, the WHO is advocating measures to combat cancer. According to experts, these measures should save 7 million lives. Aid is given to the poorest countries to set up services capable of carrying out the necessary follow-ups.

The WHO is also involved in various research programmes aimed at finding cures for cancer. Statistical data on cancer cases and treatments are collected by the WHO for appropriate action. WHO also plays a major role in improving the daily lives of patients through its messages of hope.

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